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Italian-American Defense League

Open letter to Stamford Board of Education

Christopher Columbus, once commemorated for the grandest achievement of human history, connecting two worlds in 1492, is now the target of the decolonize movement, which has the goal of decentering European culture in the United States.


Decolonizers blame Columbus for all the sins of human history, without acknowledging the historical facts that prove war, slavery, rape, and murder existed in every society on every continent since the beginning of human history, including in the Americas long before Columbus ever encountered the Taino and Carib peoples. As matter of fact, Columbus not only followed the laws of his time, but advocated for the Taino people repeatedly during his voyages.

"Columbus committed genocide"

"He would cut their hands and ears off!"

"He fed natives to his dogs!"

"He raped native women!"

"Columbus started a child sex trade"

Lies My Teacher Told Me

"Columbus enslaved innocent natives"

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