As Artificial Intelligence continues to make headlines, one must be ware of how "Intelligent" it really is. This article illustrates how A.I. and chatGPT is only as “smart” as the morons who educate it. Take this screenshot from the article as an example. It shows how the chatGPT AI responded when the user made the following request, "Tell me about when Christopher Columbus came to the US in 2015":

To counter its ignorance:
1) Columbus was never “shocked to find out that the land he discovered was already inhabited by Native Americans.” He was EXPECTING to encounter people. Meeting the Great Khan, spreading Christianity, and establishing a new trade route to the Indies was his main goal and objective. He couldn’t even have set out on his adventure if he didn’t expect to meet people on the lands he discovered. If you were not aware of this please check out the following books.
2) It’s laughable at how AI put “discovered” in quotes in a WOKE attempt to illegitimize Columbus’s discovery. No civilization from Portugal to Japan had the Americas or Caribbean on their maps. Columbus DISCOVERED the new world for the old world. He was the first of his kind/group to notice the lands, learn of the lands and people, and educate others of his discovery.

3) Finally it repeats the same WOKE message it’s been taught: “…he was a brutal conqueror who enslaved and killed native people.” Again, conquest was never his goal or mission. Meeting the Great Khan, spreading Christianity, and establishing a new trade route to the Indies was his main goal and objective. What happened after his death at the hands of Spanish Conquistadors, French and English rulers, the American government, etc.. he can hardly be blamed for. If he enslaved any natives they were prisoners of war, most from the cannibal tribe of the Caribs, who his men battled with, and not the peaceful Tainos he encountered and befriended. More can be learned here. And as for killing natives... no one seems horrified by the atrocious and barbaric killing of 84,000 men, women and children by the indigenous Aztec empire for the inauguration of their Templo Mayor.